BasiCode for the VG5000

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Inscription : 16 janv. 2019 09:02

BasiCode for the VG5000

Message par ThomasR »

Version 2 of BasiCode for the VG5000 was released in 1984. ... utines.pdf At that time it was still not very easy to use, so there was little interest from the general public.

In the meantime, BasiCode has been further developed to version 3 and later 3C (C stands for colours). There are now emulators for most 8-bit home computers and the emulators are often supplemented by file transfer tools. In Daniel's emulators it is very easy to save programmes as text files in the file system of the host computer and to read ASCII listings of programmes into the emulated oldie via ‘Simuler le clavier’. This perfectly replaces the tedious handling of tape cassettes from back then. This gave me the idea of adding more routines to the BasiCode-2 of the VG5000 in order to be able to use even more of the numerous programmes available.

A complete programme is always made up of two parts. The first part (‘bascoder’) uses the line numbers up to 999 and only runs on the type of computer for which it was written. Commands that exist on many computers, but with different names, are utilised here. For example, the text cursor is positioned in many BASICs with LOCATE x,y, in the VG5000 this would trigger an ‘Erreur de syntaxe’. To position the text cursor, the coordinates are therefore stored in the variables HO and VE in BasiCode and then GOSUB 110 is executed. The VG5000 bascoder reads ‘110 CURSORX HO+1:CURSORY VE:RETURN’.

The second part of the programme uses the line numbers from 1000 and is transferable to computers from other manufacturers. You can find many such programmes (ASCII listings) on the Internet today, including here in the forum in other threads.

Both programme parts together result in an executable programme for the VG5000. As an example, I have made a chess programme run that I discovered here ... CHAKEN.BAS only a few days ago. As you can see from the REM lines, it was written by two German authors and published in a book for the Commodore64 and VIC20. A Dutch computer friend adapted it for BasiCode-2 in 1990.

In its original form the output looks like the picture below left, I have made small changes (also using the French instead of Dutch abbreviations for the names of the chess pieces) to achieve the more pleasant look of the example below right.

SCHAKEN.png (66.28 Kio) Consulté 132 fois
(24.91 Kio) Téléchargé 0 fois

At the beginning, two pages of information are displayed, pressing a button scrolls through them. The user plays with the white pieces, which are represented by capital letters, while the computer plays with the black pieces (lower case letters). The start and finish squares are entered for a move, ‘O’ or ‘OO’ for castling.

After this information, the user is prompted to press the DELETE button and the game After this information, the user is prompted to press the DELETE button and the game begins. An incorrectly entered move can be corrected with the delete key as long as the ENTER key has not yet been pressed.

Have fun with the game!

Another programme demonstrates the sound possibilities of the BasiCode-3 version. It plays Dutch Christmas songs and displays the lyrics at the same time, perfect for a karaoke evening.

(16.63 Kio) Téléchargé 1 fois

A few notes on the Bascoder:

The bascoder is certainly not yet error-free and can certainly be extended.

In line 400 ‘OO=(INT(SP/12))-4:OO$=’O ‘+RIGHT$(STR$(OO),1)’ a lower or higher octave can be set by changing the digit ‘4’. If a tone is to be played that exceeds the permissible range of the VG5000, it is not cancelled with an error message, but instead a pause of the appropriate length is generated.

The music tempo or pause length can be set by changing the number ‘14’ in the lines
401 OD=SD*14:OD$=‘T’+MID$((STR$(1+INT(OD*3/8))),2,2):OP=SP-12*INT(SP/12)+1
450 OSD=SD*14
can be varied.

Unfortunately, the options for drawing points and lines in high-resolution graphics are not yet available. GOSUB 650 at least allows the output of text, so that some programmes can still be used (in limited quality).

Here is another game for BasiCode on the VG5000. It is modelled on ‘Minesweeper’ from MS Windows.

Minen.png (92.29 Kio) Consulté 132 fois
(13.62 Kio) Téléchargé 0 fois

Use the cursor keys to move the ‘*’ around the playing field. Where you don't suspect a mine, you can uncover the field with the space key. If you press ENTER, the field is labelled with ‘o’ (for the suspected mine). Pressing ENTER again produces a question mark. The ‘.’ appears again on the third press.

Have fun with this too!